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Wireswest Off The Grid NA1/112 UT1/201
CH Claddagh's Countdowm At Midnight SH NAVHDA NA1/112 UT I/189 x CH Wireswest Bring It On

Trek is a gift. At 6 weeks old, we knew we had something special and "off the grid". As Trek grew, he continued to impress us with his intelligence, natural field ability, temperament, cooperation, drive, and steadiness. He is the whole package with equal strength as a tracker, pointer, swimmer, and retriever and has passed on these traits to his offsprings. Though Trek has proven himself as a great hunting dog, we are excited to see how he does in AKC field trials and hunt tests in summer of 2024.
Trek at 6 weeks old
Trek at 2 weeks old

CHIC # 158160 Height 24" Weight 65 lbs
DOB: 03/23/2019 Pennhip Right Di=0.20 Left Di=0.21
AKC # SS11536212 Thyroid: Normal Eyes: Normal
NAVHDA # GW-011679 Heart: Normal Elbows: Normal Furnishings: FF
Bred, Owned,Trained, and Handled by Meg Eden

Some things never change


Video of Trek retrieving in the water at 12 weeks old

Strong Point, Strong Retrieve

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