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Wireswest Attention To Detail NAVHDA NA 1/112 UT1/201
CH Claddagh's Countdown At Midnight NAHDA NA 1/112 UT1 x CH Wireswest Bring It On NAVHDA UT 1/201
Deetz at 7 Weeks Old
Deetz is a carbon copy of her dam's (Brio) personality and hunting ability. Brio was tested in the NAVHDA testing system when she was 9.5 years old and was the only dog that day to earn a Prize 1. Deetz is a small to mid size female at 22.5" and 50 pounds. Her hips are ranks within the tighest 5% for the breed. Deetz is a mid-range serious hunter and has the talent to pin those hard to find birds. Just follow her and she will lead you to success. She naturally retrieves to hand with a soft mouth. Deetz is an amazing tracker and we got to watch her work those wounded running roosters, sometimes tracking 500 yards. Her points are strong and stylish with a high head and tail. She has a nice harsh wash & wear coat that is maintenance free. She passed her NAVHDA NA 1/112 easily after hunting Montana and Oregon hard her first season. Deetz went on to pass NAVHDA Utility with a Prize 1/201 in the summer of 2023 in spite of many delays in training. She earned a Breeders Award with her first and only litter with many first time owners/trainers/handlers. We receive many compliments from the proud owner's of her puppies.


Deetz at 8 Weeks Old
CHIC # 158159 Height 22" Weight 52 lbs
DOB: 03/23/2019 Pennhip Right Di=0.21 Left Di=0.22
AKC # SS11536201 Thyroid: Normal Elbows: Normal
NAVHDA # GW-011677 Eyes: Normal Cardiac: Normal
Furnishings: FF
Bred, Owned,Trained, and Handled by Meg Eden

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