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Wireswest GWPs

Two Pups Available
Two outstanding 11 week old male puppes have become available. They are located in Powell Butte, Oregon. These puppies have great coats that are harsh and lay flat. They will have shorter beards and leg furnishings so less maintence for the heavy cover. The dam and sire were whelped from our kennel and both have been health tested. These pups are showing signs of loving the water (as their parents) and love to carry and point. Current on vaccines and worming. They won't last long!
Please contact Justin Gage at (541) 527-5151.

Our 2025 puppy deposits are full for both litters until whelping when we have a puppy count. At the time of whelping, we will post on our website if there are few more puppies available. Deposits are $300 deposits. This deposit will apply to the total purchase price of $1,800 for the 2025 season.
Thank you for checking our website for our 2025 litters. We will be breeding two litters in 2025, one from our female Deetz and the other from Hobbs, two outstanding females that have been proven in the home, field with wild bird hunting, and Navhda testing system. Both of our females have successfully hunted the Montana pheasants and sharpies since their first season as young pups and back home in Oregon in the chukar hills, duck ponds, and goose ag lands. We have matched each female with males that we feel will produce outstanding hunting GWPs with ideal coats, temperaments, and hunting abilities. Please review the information below on each litter and if you have further questions, please call or test at 541-410-3935.
Please view our website page of Conditions of Sale & Prices to learn more about puppy prices, deposits, and sale conditions.
Our Deetz x Ceder breeding will be our first litter due in 2025. Deetz will be bred in early January and whelp in early March. Deetz is one of our proven bitch that has produced some very nice talented puppies. We are breeding her to Ceder, a male that we bred 7 years ago that belongs to active chukar hunter, Matt Hardinge. Ceder has earned the reputation of being an outstanding chukar dog with hundreds of days in the field. He has hunted all but 3 species of upland birds in the lower 48 states but chukars remain his speciality. Ceder is a mid-ranging calm, stealthy hunter that works the terrain with intelligence and patience. His nose is always dialed in while he searches out scent further than the average dog can and when he locates the birds, he patiently waits for the gunner. Ceder applies his calm, quiet demeanor in the house as well, especially around Matt's 2 young preschool children. Needless to say, Ceder has a stellar temperament that makes him very easy to live with. Ceder is a mid-sized male at 24" and 60 pounds with an ideal harsh wash & wear coat.
Deetz is an outstanding bird dog in her own right. She is also a mid-ranging hunter that has natural steadiness, a natural retrieve to hand, and great tracking skills. Deetz earned her Navhda Utility Prize 1/201 title with less than 4 months of training. She does not hesitate at the water and loves to chase down wounded geese. She is focused for the field in every aspect and like Ceder, she is also a sweet easy going house dog. Deetz is mid-sized at 22.5'' and 53 pounds with a harsh wash & wear coat that sheds the burrs. Deetz and Ceder are very similar type dogs in both appearances and field talent.
Ceder is famous!


Deetz x Ceder

Second Litter
Hobbs x Rizzo

Hobbs is due to come into season in March 2025, She came to us from Canyon Creek GWPS in Missoula Montana as a 8 week old puppy. We have had personal experience with many of the incredible dogs in her pedigree and Hobbs is no exception. She has always been an honest dog with the "English Pointer steadiness" in a GWP body. Her retrieves, tracking, backing, and nose are spot on. Needless to say, her field training was brief. I decided to run her in Navhda Utility with only 30 days to prepare since the dog originally plan to run was injured. She was without a doubt the easiest dog to train and she proved it with a Utility Prize 1/204 perfect score. Hobbs is an averaged sized female at 23" and 55 pounds. Her coat and furnishings are shorter than most but pairing her with Rizzo with his FF coat, should produce puppies with ideal coats.
Though Rizzo is young, he is a proven hunting dog and sire. Rizzo has hunted the last few seasons in the chukar hills and quickly learned how to hunt the devil birds. He was also tested in the Federation system and received very good scores on land and water. Rizzo is from Bone Point kennels and came from a litter of 13 males and Rizzo was the "chosen one" that stood out to become their next stud dog. The next paragraph is Bone Point's description of Rizzo taken from their website.
"Rizzo is a talented young male that we are very happy with. We really like what he brings to the table and feel he has a lot to offer to the gene pool. He is a good-sized male (68 lbs) but very athletic with an excellent field search. He has been an outstanding pheasant cover dog since his first hunt at 5 months old. Rizzo has always been a beast in the water and duck hunting and training for duck search came very naturally to him. He is a nice moving field dog with a medium range that will push out 200-300 yards in open country. He is a naturally cooperative dog that keeps in contact with you and wants to please. Rizzo is my dad's personal hunting dog that lives in the house. He has a wonderful, calm, affectionate temperament and is an easy keeper. Rizzo is just a dog that everyone around him loves. He has a friendly temperament and gets along well with other dogs."


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