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CH Wireswest Ace In The Hole NAVHDA UT 1/204 (x2)
Bone Point's Magnus NAVHDA NA1/112 UT 1/204 (x2) x DC AFC Wireswest First Dibs MH
Ace has a lot of great field attributes but probably his most notable talent is his cooperation and biddable manners. He wants to please and he learn quickly because of his calm manners and his ability to stay focused. Ace is just easy to train. That blended with his stunning pointing style and strong point, desire to hunt, and ability to find birds, makes him a pure pleasure to hunt over. He can glide over the chukar hills with ease and sit quietly in a duck blind without a single whine. He is a true gentleman in every sense of the word. His temperament is solid and he does not have an ounce of aggressive behavior towards man or dog. Everyone is his buddy and those that come to see our dogs have often said that they want a dog just like him. He passed his NAVHDA Utility Prize 1 on his first attempt with a perfect score and was retested 2 years later to earn his second perfect score. He earned his show champion title easily, acquiring most of his points before he was a year old. He is now working towards his AKC Master Hunter title with hopes to finish in the spring/summer of 2023.

Ace at 4 months old

CHIC # 134980 Height 24" Weight 60 lbs
DOB: 02/15/2015 Hips Good Elbows Good
AKC # SR86687801 Thyroid Normal Eyes Clear
NAVHDA # GW-009581 Heart Normal
Bred, Owned,Trained, and Handled by Meg Eden
Ace at 3 years old
Ace at 7 weeks old




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